Friday, September 12, 2014

Rain and snow: a year of gratitude

Snow. In September.

I live in the mountains, yet it's still seems unbelievable that I woke up to snow in September.

Just a year ago we were experiencing something even more unbelievable: the flood.

It was scary. It was maelstrom. There was uncertainty, suffering, and loss. There was also kindness, grace, love, friends, and family. Surely the flood waters rose not only with the falling rain, but also with the tears of grief and gratitude cried by so many.

Today I am grateful for Christ's overwhelming goodness this past year, during and after the flood.

And today I am also grateful to wake up to snow instead of flooding. It has been a year of learning and growing, mercy and truth, hope and faith, pain and beauty, surprises, and so, so much joy.

God is good. So often we find we cannot say that in the midst of a storm, as the flood waters nearly drown us. But this year I am learning that God is good not because of my circumstances, but because of His great Love for me. He never leaves, he is always there. And while he may seem distant in the flood, surely the waters come to show us our need of him and to bring us closer to Christ.

My heart overflows with joy and gratitude. <3

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